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Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Let Skagway inspire you

Faculty Members of 2013

2013 Panel Topics

No Longer Alone in Our Chairs: Putting It In Print

Life’s Lessons: Discovering Universal Truths in the Personal Essay

Men Writing Women, Women Writing Men

Beyond Hesitation: What Makes Writing Flow

Righteous Rant: The Fine Art of the Polemic

Writing Well About Random, Boring Stuff

What Do Readers Want?

Journalistic Liberties: When Facts Aren’t Enough

Close Calls: Near Death Experiences and Other Precarious Moments

North Words Writers Symposium
Skagway, Alaska 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
6:00 pm
Symposium Taco Bar Reception-upstairs Red Onion Saloon

Thursday, May 30
7:30-8:30 am
Continental Breakfast-AB Hall

8:30 am
Plenary Session- AB Hall
Welcome: Buckwheat, Jeff, Dan
Symposium Introductions

9:00-10:30 am
Plenary Discussion- AB Hall
Beyond Hesitation: What Makes Writing Flow
Break on through all hurdles to write a meaningful story.
Dave Hunsaker, co-host
Kathy Moore, co-host
Book signing at Skaguay News Depot & Books:
Kim Heacox, Andromeda Romano-Lax

10:45-12:00 pm
Plenary Discussion- Presbyterian Church
What Do Readers Want?
In the beginning was the Story and the courage to write it. Now to find readers? How do you build a readership?
Heather Lende, host
John Straley
Katrina Pearson
Book signing at Skaguay News Depot & Books:
Kathleen Dean Moore

12:00-2:00 pm

Panel Discussion- AB Hall
Men Writing Women, Women Writing Men
How well can one gender write about the other? Should it even be allowed?
Lynn Schooler, host
Andromeda Romano-Lax
John Straley
Dave Hunsaker

Panel Discussion-Presbyterian Church
Confronting the Fact of Fiction and the Fiction of Fact
Can historians, scientists, and journalists make things up? Where, exactly, is the line?
Howard Weaver, host
Jeff Brady
Kathy Moore
Dan Henry

3:45-5:30 pm
Plenary Discussion- AB Hall
No Longer Alone in Our Chairs: The Complete Digital Writer
The internet and the economy transformed the lonesome writer into a self-contained publishing house.
Andromeda Romano-Lax, co-host
Katrina Pearson, co-host
Book signing at Skaguay News Depot & Books:
John Straley & Howard Weaver

5:30-6:45 pm
Dinner on your own!

7:00-9:30 pm
Faculty readings-Presbyterian Church

Friday, May 31
7:30-8:30 am
Continental Breakfast-AB Hall

8:30 am
Plenary Session- AB Hall
Welcome: Buckwheat, Jeff, Dan

9:00-10:30 am
Panel Discussion- AB Hall
Close Calls: Near Death Experiences and Other Precarious Moments
Alaskans brim with death-defying tales—how do we sustain the edge when crafting our tales for print?
Dan Henry, host
Andromeda Romano-Lax
Kim Heacox
Heather Lende

Panel Discussion-Presbyterian Church
Writing Well About Random, Boring Stuff
Time, distance, weather, travel, looks, nonverbal behavior, and all the other distracting details.
John Straley, host
Dave Hunsaker
Kathy Moore
Lynn Schooler

10:30-1:00 pm
Lunch at AB
Launch at News Depot across street for the new book
Skagway: City of the New Century by Jeff Brady,
with contributor Dan Henry

1:00-3:00 pm
Participant readings-AB Hall
Book signing at Skaguay News Depot & Books:
Heather Lende and Lynn Schooler

3:15-4:30 pm
Plenary Discussion- AB Hall
Righteous Rant: The Fine Art of the Polemic
So you want to change the world.
Kim Heacox, host
Kathy Moore

30-Minute Faculty Consultation
(Arrange other times with opp. panel hosts )
Dave Hunsaker
John Straley
Lynn Schooler
Heather Lende
Andromeda Romano-Lax
Howard Weaver
Katrina Pearson
Dan Henry

4:45 pm
Vans depart for Brady homestead on West Creek in Dyea

5:00-7:30 pm
Live music, food by the fire, rustic digs, and tour of writers/artists retreat

7:30 pm
Vans leave Brady homestead for Skagway

Friday Night in Skagway!

Saturday, June 1
7:30-9:00 am
Continental Breakfast-AB Hall

9:00-11:00 am
Plenary Discussion- AB Hall
Life’s Lessons: Discovering Universal Truths in the Personal Essay
Skirt the diaphanous membrane separating I and Thou.
Kathy Moore, host

11:00-12:00 pm

12:15 pm
Board White Pass & Yukon Route RR—Passports Required for trip to Denver station and trailhead, train departs at 12:30.

1:00-3:30 pm
Trail Write or…Campfire Reflections

3:45-4:00 pm
Train returns to Skagway

6:00-9:00 pm
Banquet at Poppie’s, Jewell Gardens
Kathleen Dean Moore, Keynote